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    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Slots and Technology

    Hey guys,

    My site is all about Casino's and Slot machines but without the newest and latest technology we would still be pulling on one-armed bandits looking for cherries and bells, boring.

    I try to keep up with technology as much as possible. My favorite resource has always been CNET.com. I used to watch cnet TV every Saturday back in Jr. High and High School. I just liked all the new crazy stuff that I would most likely never be able to afford.

    Sometime last year CNET ran a contest to do a tech review video for a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas for the CES conference. This is the largest tech show in the world where tech companies display all the new products (except for Apple, whom runs its own show)

    I wanted to enter the contest but Technology is a hobby, unlike casinos and slots which are my passion. If Casino Player or Strictly Slots were to run a competition like this, I'm in.

    Anyway, the point to this blog is to bring attention to a new link on my site for www.techsmesssage.com. This site is ran by one of the winners for that CNET contest, Nate Lanxon. After winning the contest, he was hired by CNET UK and now is there MP3 & Digital Music Reviewer.

    His site now has an ongoing diary of life behind the scenes at CNET, with great prospective and information on Technology and life in general.

    If you are interested in technology or just want to get a different prospective on things. (I'm starting to like CNET UK more than the US version now) Check it out on my side bar.

    With all that said I'm still counting down the seconds till my next trip to the casino. As Ive said before, I will be leaving for a 7 day cruise in 15 days. Cant wait. We will just have to see what kind of machines ST. Maarteen has. I hope I didnt jinx myself and its all one-armed bandits with cherries and bells.

    Till next time,

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