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    Thursday, March 8, 2007


    About Your Blogist, ME

    My name is Jose, I am 27 and live in Colorado. I grew up in Oregon where I was exposed to Indian Casino's at age 12. I have been to casinos all over the US and the Caribbean and love to share my experiences.

    First is my gaming habits

    I'm a penny player, I play minimum lines and low bet (9line 1coin) I go for fun. I just enjoy the games and time away from the real world.

    I very rarely play the tables but if the minimum is low I might play a few hands.

    I have played roulette once and I'm no good.

    My Home Casino

    The great part of living in Colorado is we have 3 gambling towns. Black Hawk (BH), Central City (CC), and Cripple Creek (CCR). 22 casinos in BH, 7 or so in CC and 12 or something in CCR

    I love the ability to walk up and down the mountain roads and go to all the different casinos. I waste my frequent player points by casino hoping but I never spend enough to really cash in anyway.

    That's My Story

    Well that's what I'm all about. What I hope to accomplish by writing the blog is to share my interest in Casino and Slot machines with others, share my experience, and just toss stuff out.


    Anonymous said...

    This rocks. Im just testing

    Anonymous said...

    I think this is a great site.
    Hope it takes off and you get alot of information.
    I think the Oregon casinos are the best....I shall be in search of a Clue Machine......LOL