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    Wednesday, May 23, 2007

    Going to the mailbox and finding a letter from a Casino

    I love that feeling. You go to the mail box every day and find either junk mail or the dreaded "B" word. Occasionally, if I'm lucky, I go to the mail and find either one of my casino magazines or a letter from one of the local casino's. Its like a cereal box, I opening it hoping to find a prize.

    Some are just the normal monthly flyer promoting events or new games but sometimes, owe sometimes, there's that Willy Wonka golden ticket feeling.
    A $5.00 voucher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sometimes two, one for the first half of the month and one for the last.

    Man, what feelings and emotions can be conjured by just a little slip of paper. "Come to me and Ill give you five dollars." Why do I picture a witch with an apple when I read this? Hazel and Gretel maybe...... either way.

    You give me five, I give you 40. I think im doing something wrong here. I feel like that little kid playing cards with the big kids, anyone remember '52 card Pickup" fell for that once.(or twice)

    If you read enough about comps and casino give aways, you know its based on time played and money spent in a casino, they don't give it way to be nice. So its also very sad when you go to the mail box and you don't get letters or vouchers. "Do you not love me anymore, (insert casino name here)? just encase, don't want to show any favoritism just yet....... "Its been a rough month" "Gas Prices suck", ""No money, no fries." (sorry childhood flashback, but it applies)

    Then, finally, one day, that "Golden Ticket" reappears in the mail box. Like a beacon in the night, I can pick it out of the other stuff before its even out of the box. "I'm back on the list, baby"

    OK, so no coincidence that I went and spent a few bucks in March but anyway, so I get two letters this month. One, that is always a "golden ticket" (I don't get anything from them other wise) and one that is normally one of those event planner things. I should include that this one does always has a half-off buffet coupon or such but that's about it. I give it the normal once over to see whats new. "Do my eyes deceive me" nope it now reads "half-off buffet or $5.00 cash back" Yes, "I've got a golden Ticket" (I really hope Dahl does not sue me for the use of lines from Wonka but it fits)

    So that's two $5.00 dollar coupons for this trip, I'm love in it (damn, now McDonald's, what is wrong with me today, I'm never going to get enough coupons to pay my lawyer fee's)

    Comps are a funny world. You can read every book, watch every show, research online as much as possible, but it all boils down to money played. Yes, you can find those vouchers in Vegas magazines for new player sign up bonuses and stuff, and they are great for the first time but wheres the love afterwords. A penny player doesn't stand a chance.

    Being that my gambling life started in Oregon where your lucky to get a dollar off a buffet on your birthday, I'm happy with my casinos in Colorado. I get stuff for my birthday, (a mug, a pen, a buffet, etc) the monthly mailers, and of course, the occasional "Golden Ticket."


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