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    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    WMS Gaming Does It Again

    Hey guys,

    Just a quick update. I love that people are actually coming to this site so Im still trying to make it relevant and up-to-date. Keep coming back. I will hopefully have some more slot reviews in the next couple of weeks.

    As for now. I just went to WMS Gamings website and found the have done it again. The have a really cool interactive view of 3 of there new games. Bruce Lee, Happy Days, and Bigger Bang Big Event.

    On the main page for WMS Gaming select WMS Secret Head Quarters, (If your have your speakers on you may want to turn them down if you are in a quite location, like work) You are then guide through a 3 level world with each level representing one of the new games.

    1st floor is Bigger Bang Big Event, 2nd floor is Bruce LEE, and 3rd floor is Happy Days.

    On each floor has interactive views of the games and videos of slot play. Make sure to use you mouse to move around the room as there are Easter Eggs (hidden extras) in each room.

    Im really excited to try the Bruce Lee game. It looks really fun.

    The Happy Days game is one Im going to have to get my hands on before I make a snap judgement of it.

    Well thats it for now. Please keep coming back to my site for update and drop me a line if you have any questions or comments.

    Click Here for WMS Gaming's Site

    Happy Gaming,

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